(March, 1st, 2025更新) |
* コレスポンディングオーサー |
Kawamura, K., Kato, S., Utsunomiya, S., Takahashi, Y.*, & Inaba, M.* (2025). Self-organized patterning of peristaltic waves by suppressive actions in a developing gut. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 13. doi: https://doi.org/10.3389/fcell.2025.1529975
Inaba, Masafumi. "Optogenetic techniques for understanding the gut peristalsis during chicken embryonic development." Biochemical Society Transactions 52.4 (2024): 1727-1735. doi: https://doi.org/10.1042/BST20231337
Rei Yagasaki, Ryo Nakamura, Yuuki Shikaya, Ryosuke Tadokoro, Ruolin Hao, Zhe Wang, Mototsugu Eiraku, Masafumi Inaba, Yoshiko Takahashi:The gut contractile organoid: a novel model for studying the gut motility regulated by coordinating signals between interstitial cells of Cajal and smooth muscles.eLife Reviewed Preprint v1. doi: https://elifesciences.org/reviewed-preprints/97860
Shikaya, Y., Inaba, M., Tadokoro, R., Utsunomiya, S., *Takahashi, Y.: Optogenetic control of gut movements reveals peristaltic wave-mediated induction of cloacal contractions and reactivation of impaired gut motility. Frontiers in Physiology, Volume 14 - 2023 https://doi.org/10.3389/fphys.2023.1175951 Shikaya and Inaba; equally contributed.
*Saito, D., Tadokoro, R., Nagasaka, A., Yoshino, D., Teramoto, T., Mizumoto, K., Funamoto, K., Kidokoro, H., Miyata, T., Tamura, K., *Takahashi, Y.: Stiffness of primordial germ cells is required for their extravasation in avian embryos. iScience, (2022) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isci.2022.105629
Yagasaki, R., Shikaya, Y., Kawachi, T., Inaba, M., Takase, Y., *Takahashi, Y.: Newly raised anti-c-Kit antibody visualizes morphology of interstitial cells of Cajal in the developing gut of chicken embryos. Develop. Growth Diffe, (2022)DOI: 10.1111/dgd.12808
Shikaya, Y., Takase, Y., Tadokoro, R., Nakamura, R., Inaba, M., *Takahashi, Y.: Distribution map of peristaltic waves in the chicken embryonic gut reveals importance of enteric nervous system and inter-region cross talks along the gut axis. Frontiers Cell and Developmental Biology, (2022) https://doi.org/10.3389/fcell.2022.827079
Kawachi, T., Tadokoro, R., and *Takahashi, Y.: Cell lineage, self-renewal, and epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition during secondary neurulation. Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society, 64(3): 367-373 (2021) https://doi.org/10.3340/jkns.2021.0054
Ito, N., Riyadh, M., Ahmad, S., Hattori, S., Kanemura, Y., Kiyonari, H., Abe, T., Furuta, Y., Shinmyo, Y., Kaneko, N., Hirota, Y., Lupo, G., Hatakeyama, J., 3 Felemban Athary Abdulhaleem M, Anam, M., Yamaguchi, M., Takeo, T., Takebayashi, H., Takebayashi, M., Oike, Y., Nakagata, N., Shimamura, K., Holtzman, M., Takahashi, Y., Guillemot, F., Miyakawa, T., Sawamoto, K., and Ohta, K. : Dysfunction of the proteoglycan Tsukushi causes hydrocephalus through altered neurogenesis in the subventricular zone in mice. Science Translational Medicine,13(587):7896 (2021)
Yang J., et al. (EMT International Association): Guidelines and definitions for research on epithelial-mesenchymal transition. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 21(6):341-352 (2020)
PMID: 32300252 DOI: 10.1038/s41580-020-0237-9
Kawachi, T., Shimokita, E., Kudo, R., Tadokoro, R., and *Takahashi, Y.: Neural-fated self-renewing cells regulated by Sox2 during secondary neurulation in chicken tail bud. Dev. Biol., 461(2):160-171 (2020)
DOI: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2020.02.007
Takase, Y. and *Takahashi, Y.: Blood flow-mediated gene transfer and siRNA-knockdown in the developing vasculature in a spatio-temporally controlled manner in chicken embryos. Dev. Biol., 456(1):8-16 (2019)
DOI: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2019.08.001
Watanabe, T., Nakamura, R., Takase, Y., Susaki, E., Ueda, H., Tadokoro, R. and *Takahashi, Y.: Comparison of the 3-D patterns of the parasympathetic nervous system in the lung at the late developmental stages between mouse and chick. Dev. Biol., 444 Suppl 1:S325-S336 (2018)
DOI: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2018.05.014
Tadokoro, R., Shikaya, Y. and *Takahashi, Y.: (Review) Wide coverage of the body surface by melanocyte-mediated skin pigmentation. Dev. Biol., 449(2): 83-89 (2018)
DOI: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2018.04.016
*Takahashi, Y., Kudo, R., Tadokoro, R. and Atsuta, Y.: (Review) Coordination between body growth and tissue growth: Wolffian duct elongation and somitogenesis proceed in harmony with axial growth. Int. J. Dev. Biol., 62: 79-84 (2018)
DOI: 10.1387/ijdb.170290yt.
川地輝明、下北英輔、高橋淑子: (総説)二分脊椎症の理解に向けたSecondary neurulationの研究、「小児の脳神経」(日本小児神経外科学会)42 (4): 325-336 (2017) (査読有り)
Watanabe, T., Kiyomoto, T., Tadokoro, R., Takase, Y. and *Takahashi, Y.: Newly raised anti-VAChT and anti-ChAT antibodies detect cholinergic cells in chicken embryos. Dev. Growth Differ., 59(9): 677-687 (2017)
DOI: 10.1111/dgd.12406
Saito, D., Tamura, K. and *Takahashi, Y.: Early segregation of the adrenal cortex and gonad in chicken embryos. Dev. Growth Differ., 59(7): 593-602 (2017)
DOI: 10.1111/dgd.12389
Hardtke, CS. and Takahashi, Y.: Editorial overview: Developmental mechanisms, patterning and evolution: Developmental patterning: from stochasticity to plasticity. Curr. Opin. Genet. Dev., 45: iv-v. (2017)
DOI: 10.1016/j.gde.2017.05.002
Tadokoro, R. and *Takahashi, Y.: (Review) Intercellular transfer of organelles during body pigmentation. Curr. Opin. Genet. Dev., 45: 132-138 (2017)
DOI: 10.1016/j.gde.2017.05.001
*Nakanoh, S., Fuse, N., Tadokoro, R., Takahashi, Y. and *Agata, K.:
Jak1/Stat3 signaling acts as a positive regulator of pluripotency in chicken pre-gastrula embryos. Developmental Biology, 421(1): 43-51 (2017)
DOI: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2016.11.001
Tadokoro, R., Murai, H., Sakai, K., Okui, T., Yokota, Y. and *Takahashi, Y.: Melanosome transfer to keratinocyte in the chicken embryonic skin is
mediated by vesicle release associated with Rho-regulated membrane blebbing. Scientific Reports, 6: 38277 (2016)
DOI: 10.1038/srep38277
Atsuta, Y. and *Takahashi, Y.: Early formation of the Mu¨llerian duct is regulated by sequential actions of BMP/Pax2- and FGF/Lim1 signaling. Development, 143: 3549-3559 (2016)
DOI: 10.1242/dev.137067
高橋輝明, *高橋淑子:「神経と血管のワイヤリング」新・血栓止血血管学 血管と血小板(金芳堂)57-64 (2015)
Saito, D. and *Takahashi, Y.: (Review) Sympatho-adrenal morphogenesis regulated by the dorsal aorta. Mech Dev.,138(1): 2-7 (2015)
PII: S0925-4773(15)30013-7
DOI: 10.1016/j.mod.2015.07.011.
Atsuta, Y. and *Takahashi, Y.: FGF8 coordinates tissue elongation and cell epithelialization during early kidney tubulogenesis. Development, 142: 2329-2337 (2015)
DOI: 10.1242/dev.122408
*Nakanoh, S., Fuse, N., Takahashi, Y. and *Agata, K.: Verification of chicken Nanog as an epiblast marker and identification of chicken PouV as Pou5f3 by newly raised antibodies. Dev. Growth Differ., 57(3):251-263 (2015)
DOI: 10.1111/dgd.12205.
#Murai, H., #Tadokoro, R., Sakai, K. and *Takahashi, Y.: In ovo gene manipulation of melanocytes and their adjacent keratinocytes during skin pigmentation of chicken embryos. Dev. Growth Differ., 57(3):231-241 (2015)(#:共筆頭著者)
DOI: 10.1111/dgd.12201.
Takahashi, T., Takase, Y., Yoshino, T., Saito, D., Tadokoro, R. and *Takahashi, Y.: Angiogenesis in the developing spinal cord: Blood vessel exclusion from neural progenitor region is mediated by VEGF and its antagonists. PLOS ONE, 10(1): e0116119 (2015)
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0116119
吉野剛史, *高橋淑子:「側板中胚葉の器官形成と上皮-間充織転換」細胞工学(秀潤社)33 (6): 633-638 (2014)
Yoshino, Y., Saito, D., Atsuta, U., Uchiyama, C., Ueda, S., Sekiguchi, K., and *Takahashi, Y.: Interepithelial signaling with nephric duct is required for the formation of overlying coelomic epithelial cell sheet. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 111(18):6660-6665(2014)
*高橋淑子, 齋藤大介:「自立神経の発生における血管の関わり」血管医学(メディカルレビュー社)14(3): 9-13 (2013)
*高橋淑子:「特集:神経―血管ワイヤリング オーバービュー」血管医学(メディカルレビュー社)14(3): 7-8 (2013)
Takase, Y., Tadokoro, R. and *Takahashi, Y.: A low cost labeling with highlighter ink efficiently visualizes developing blood vessels in avian and mouse embryos. Dev. Growth Differ., 55(9):792-801(2013) DOI: 10.1111/dgd.12106 |
*この号の表紙も飾っています→ |
田所竜介, 村井英隆, 酒井謙一郎, *高橋淑子:「ライブイメージング法を用いた表皮内メラノサイトの可視化」日本小児皮膚科学会雑誌((株)日本小児医事出版社)32(2), 95-99 (2013)
*Takahashi, Y., Sipp, D. and *Enomoto, H.: (Review) Tissue interactions in neural crest cell development and disease. Science 23 August : 860-863 (2013)
Kita, Y., Kawakami, K., Takahashi, Y.: *Murakami, F.: Development of Cerebellar Neurons and Glias Revealed by in Utero Electroporation: Golgi-Like Labeling of Cerebellar Neurons and Glias. PLoS One, 8 (7): e70091 (2013)
*高橋淑子:「私のメンター〜受け継がれる研究の心〜 Nicole M. Le Douarin -発生研究に興したヌーヴェルヴァーグ」実験医学(羊土社)31(13): 2159-2162 (2013)
*高橋淑子:「細胞の声を聞く」學士會会報(学士会)901:71-75 (2013)
齋藤大介, *高橋淑子:「神経-血管相互作用から読み解く自立神経系の成立機構」
臓器円環による生体恒常性のダイナミクス 実験医学増刊(羊土社)31(3), 759-764 (2013)
Atsuta, Y., Tadokoro, D., Saito, D. and *Takahashi, Y.: Transgenesis of the Wolffian duct visualizes dynamic behavior of cells undergoing tubulogenesis in vivo. Dev. Growth Differ., 55: 579-590 (2013)
齋藤大介, *高橋淑子: 「自立神経系の形成における血管の役割」生体の科学(医学書院) 63(6), 606-611 (2012)
Freeman, S., Chrysostomou, E., Kawakami, K., Takahashi, Y. and *Daudet, N.: Tol2-mediated gene transfer and in ovo electroporation of the otic placode: a powerful and versatile approach for investigating embryonic development and regeneration of the chicken inner ear. Methods Mol Biol. 916:127-39 (2012)
*高橋淑子: 「トランスポーゼを用いた遺伝子発現」目的別で選べる遺伝子導入プロトコール 実験医学別冊(羊土社)110-111 (2012)
Macdonald, J., Taylor, L., Sherman, A., Kawakami, K., Takahashi, Y., Sang, HM. and *McGrew, MJ.: Efficient genetic modification and germ-line transmission of primordial germ cells using piggyBac and Tol2 transposons. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 109(23):1466-72 (2012)
*Binder, B. J., Landman, K. A., Donald F. Newgreen, D. F., Simkin, J. E., Takahashi, Y. and Zhang, D.: Spatial Analysis of Multi-species Exclusion Processes: Application to Neural Crest Cell Migration in the Embryonic Gut. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 74(2): 474-90 (2012)
Adameyko, I., Lallmend, F., Furlan, A., Zinin, N., Aranda, S., Kitambi, S. S., Blanchat, A., Favaro, R., Nicolis, S., Lu¨bke, M., Mu¨ller, T., Birchmeier, C., Suter, U., Takahashi, Y. and *Ernfors, P.: Sox2 and MITF cross regulatory interactions consolidate progenitor and melanocyte lineages in the cranial neural crest. Development, 139: 397-410 (2012)
*高橋淑子: 動物発生を支える細胞の振る舞い. 日仏生物学会誌,巻頭(日仏生物学会) 51: p1-6 (2011)
*Takahashi, Y.: (Invited) Rekindling Japan’s Spirit. Science, Editorial Vol.332:1241(2011)
Yokota,Y., Saito, D., Tadokoro, R. and *Takahashi, Y.: Genomically integrated transgenes are stably and conditionally expressed in neural crest cell-specific lineages. Developmental Biology, 353: 382-395 (2011)
Shimokita, E. and *Takahashi, Y.: Secondary neurulation: fate-mapping and gene manipulation of the neural tube in tail bud. Dev. Growth Differ., 53: 104-410 (2011)
Yoshino, T., Saito, D., Tadokoro, R. and *Takahashi, Y.: In vivo gene manipulations of epithelial cell sheets: a novel model to study epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition. Dev. Growth Differ., 53: 378-388 (2011)
Hou, X., Omi, M., Harada, H., Ishii, S., Takahashi, Y. and *Nakamua, H.: Conditional knockdown of target gene expression by tetracycline regulated transcription of double strand RNA. Dev. Growth Differ., 53: 69-75 (2011)
高瀬悠太, 安江泰治, *高橋淑子:血管ワイヤリングにおける組織間相互作用. 細胞工学(秀潤社) 29: p1087-1092 (2010)
*高橋淑子: 第22回高遠シンポジウム「生体制御の仕組みー限界への挑戦」 実験医学(羊土社) 28: p3167-3170 (2010)
Watanabe, T., *Takahashi, Y.: Tissue morphogenesis coupled with cell shape changes. Current Opinion in Genetics & Development, Volume20, Issue 4, 443-447(2010)
Yoshida, A., Yamaguchi, Y., Nonomura, K., Kawakami, K., Takahashi, Y. and *Miura, M.: Simultaneous expression of different transgenes in neurons and glia by combining in utero electroporation with Tol2 transposon mediated gene transfer system. Genes to Cells, May;15(5):p501-12 (2010)
Mejia-Pous, C., Vinuelas, J., Faure, C., Koszela, J., Kawakami, K., Takahashi, Y. and *Gandrillon, O.: A combination of transposable elements and magnetic cell sorting provides a very efficient transgenesis system for chicken primary erythroid progenitors. BMC Biotechnology, 9:81 (2009)
Ohata, E., Tadokoro, R., Sato, Y., Saito, D. and *Takahashi, Y.: Notch signal is sufficient to direct an endothelial conversion from non-endothelial somitic cells conveyed to the aortic region by CXCR4. Dev. Biol., 335: 33-42 (2009)
大畑絵美, *高橋淑子: 「胚体内の初期血管パターニングとガイダンス因子 -Notch-ephrinシグナルが制御する細胞のふるまい−」 実験医学(羊土社)、1697-1703 (2009)
齋藤大介, 田所竜介, *高橋淑子: 「神経冠細胞の移動メカニズム」 最新医学「幹細胞研究の最近の進歩」(最新医学社)第64巻6月増刊号、10-24 (2009)
渡邉忠由, *高橋淑子: 「境界形成とEph-Ephrinシグナル」 生体の医学(医学書院), 60(4)330-336 (2009)
*田所竜介 : ヤマトヒメミミズの生殖細胞の再生機構, 最新医学「幹細胞研究の最近の進歩(後編)-組織幹細胞-」(最新医学社)第64巻6月増刊号、1315-1327 (2009.6)
Watanabe, T., Sato, Y., Saito, D., Tadokoro, R., and *Takahashi, Y.: Ephrin B2 coordinates the formation of a morphological boundary and cell epithelialization during somite segmentation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 106(18) 7467-7472 (2009)
Sato, Y. and *Takahashi, Y.: (Review) Applications of Tol2 transposon- mediated gene transfer for stable integration and conditional expression of electroporated genes in chicken embryos. In “Electroporation and Sonoporation in Developmental Biology”, Edited by Nakamura, Springer, p17-24 (2009)
PMID: 17362912
Ohata, E. and *Takahashi, Y.: (Review) In ovo electroporation for targeting the somitic mesoderm. In “Electroporation and Sonoporation in Developmental Biology”, Edited by Nakamura, Springer, 37-42 (2009)
ISBN: 978-4-431-09426-5 (Print) 978-4-431-09427-2 (Online)
Harada, H., Takahashi, Y., Kawakami, K., Ogura, T. and *Nakamura, H.: Tracing retinal fiber trajectory with a method of transposon-mediated genomic integration in chick embryo. Dev. Growth Differ., 50: 697 - 702 (2008)
*Takahashi, Y., Watanabe, T., Nakagawa, S., Kawakami, K. and Sato, Y.: Review: Transposon-mediated stable integration and tetracycline-inducible expression of electroporated transgenes in chicken embryos. “Methods in Avian Embryology” Methods in Cell Biology, 87, 271-280 Edited by Marianne Bronner-Fraser, Elsevier Inc, (2008)
*Takahashi, Y., and Sato, Y.: Review: Somitogenesis as a model to study the formation of morphological boundaries and cell epithelialization. Dev. Growth Differ., Suppl 1: S149-55 (2008)
Sato, Y., Watanabe, T., Saito, D., Takahashi, T., Yoshida. S., Kohyama, J., Ohata, E., Okano, H. & *Takahashi, Y.: Notch mediates the segmental specification of angioblasts in somites and their directed migration toward the dorsal aorta in avian embryos. Developmental Cell, 14: 890-901 (2008)
*Sugio, M., Takeuchi, K., Kutsuna, J., Tadokoro, R., Takahashi, Y., Yoshida-Noro, Y. and Tochinai, S.: Exploration of embryonic origins of germline stem cells and neoblasts in Enchytraeus japonensis (Oligochaeta, Annelida). Gene Expression Patterns, 8: 227-36 (2008)
吉野剛史、下北英輔、*高橋淑子: 器官形成を支えるEMT: 細胞工学 (秀潤社) Vol. 27, No. 4,337-342 (2008)
*Reza, H. M., Nishi, H., Kataoka, K., Takahashi, Y. and Yasuda, K.: L-Maf regulates p27kip1 expression during chick lens fiber differentiation. Differentiation, 75:737-744 (2007)
*Reza, H. M., Takahashi, Y. and Yasuda, K.: Stage-dependent expression of Pax6 in optic vesicle/cup regulates patterning genes through signaling molecules. Differentiation, 75:726-736 (2007)
Watanabe, T., Saito, D., Tanabe, K., Suetsugu, R., Nakaya, Y., Nakagawa, S. and *Takahashi, Y.: Tet-on inducible system combined with in ovo electroporation dissects multiple roles of genes in somitogenesis of chicken embryos. Developmental Biology, 305: 625-636 (2007) (Faculty 1000 Biologyの推薦論文)
Sato, T., Kasai, T., Nakagawa, S., Tanabe, J., Watanabe, T., Kawakami, K., and *Takahashi, Y.: Stable integration and conditional expression of electroporated transgenes in chicken embryos. Developmental Biology, 305:616-624 (2007) (Faculty 1000 Biologyの推薦論文)
Tanabe, K., Takahashi, Y., Sato, Y., Kawakami, K., Takeichi, M. and *Nakagawa, S.: Cadherin is required for dendritic morphogenesis and synaptic terminal organization of retinal horizontal cells. Development, 133: 4085-4096 (2006)
Tadokoro R., Sugio, M., Kutsuna, J., Tochinai, S., and *Takahashi, Y.: Early segregation of germ and somatic lineages during gonadal regeneration in the annelid, Enchytraeus japonensis. Current Biology, 16: 1012-1017 (2006)(Current Biologyの号頭ハイライト「Dispatched」で紹介されました)(記者発表をして全国紙に報道されました)((Faculty of 1000 Biologyにおける推薦論文になりました)
*高橋淑子:オリジナリティを磨くための“好き”と“イグノア“!!. 蛋白質核酸酵素 (共立出版) Vol. 51: p1698-1699 (2006)
大畑絵美,*高橋淑子: 発生過程における細胞移動, 蛋白質核酸酵素(共立出版), 51: 742-746, (2006)
Saito, D., Yonei-Tamura,S., Takahashi, Y. and *Tamura, K.: Level-specific role of paraxial mesoderm in regulation of Tbx5/Tbx4 expression and limb initiation. Developmental Biology, 292,79-89 (2006)(Faculty of 1000 Biologyにおける推薦論文になりました)4月
Oka, Y., Sato, Y., Tsuda, H., Hanaoka, K., Hirai, Y., and *Takahashi, Y.: Epimorphin acts extracellularly to promote cell-sorting and aggregation during the condensation of vertebral cartilage. Dev. Biol., 291: 25-37 (2006)
Aoki H, Hara A, Nakagawa S, Motohashi T, Hirano M, Takahashi Y, and *Kunisada T.: Embryonic stem cells that differentiate into RPE cell precursors in vitro develop into RPE cell monolayers in vivo. Experimental Eye Research., 82: 265-74 (2006)
Sato Y., and *Takahashi Y.: A novel signal induces a segmentation fissure by acting in a ventral-to-dorsal direction in the presomitic mesoderm. Dev. Biol. 282:183-192 (2005)
*Takahashi, Y., Sato, Y., Suetsugu, R. and Nakaya Y.: Mesenchymal-to-epithelial transition during somitic segmentation: a novel approach to study the roles of Rho family GTPases in morphogenesis. Cells Tissues Organs 179:36-42 (2005)
*Takahashi Y.: Common mechanisms for boundary formation in somitogenesis and brain development: shaping the chic chick. Int. J. Dev. Biol. 49:221-230 (2005)
仲矢由紀子, *高橋淑子: 形態形成における間充織 -上皮転換とRhoファミリーの役割- 体節分節をモデルとして研究, 細胞工学, 24: 171-177 (2005)
*Takahashi, Y.: Somitogenesis in vertebrate development, in "Encyclopedia of Life Sciences", (Nature Publishing Group)(2004), Web Publishing
Nakaya, Y., Kuroda, S., Katagiri, Y., Kaibuchi, K. and *Takahashi, Y.: Mesenchymal-epithelial transition during somitic segmentation is regulated by differential roles of Cdc42 and Rac1. Dev. Cell 7: 425-438 (2004)(Faculty of 1000 Biologyにおける推薦論文になりました)
*高橋淑子:学会にも改革の嵐. 細胞工学(秀潤社)Vol. 23: p1210-1213 (2004)
Tonegawa, A., Kasai, T., and *Takahashi, Y.: Systematic screening for signaling molecules expressed during somitogenesis by the signal sequence trap method. Dev. Biol. 262: 32-50 (2003)
Kanda, S., Shiroi, A., Ouji, Y., Birumachi, J., Ueda, S., Fukui, H., Tatsumi, K., Ishizaka S., Takahashi, Y. and, *Yoshikawa, M.: In vitro differentiation of hepatocyte-like cells from embryonic stem cells promoted by gene transfer of hepatocyte nuclear factor 3 beta. Hepatol. Res. 3:225-231 (2003)
佐藤有紀, *高橋淑子: 体節形成のメカニズム, 小児外科(東京医学社), 35: 284-290 (2003)
Suetsugu, R., Sato, Y. and *Takahashi, Y.: Pax 2 expression in mesodermal segmentation and its relationship with EphA4 and Lunatic fringe during chicken somitogenesis. Mech. Dev. 119S: S155-159 (2003)
吉野剛史, 佐藤有紀, *高橋淑子: Notchの切断と発生分化におけるシグナル伝達, 細胞工学, 22: 623-627 (2003)
*高橋淑子: 生き物の形を作る時間. 日本科学未来館発行MeSci, 3: 15-16 (2003)
Sato, Y., Yasuda, K., and *Takahashi, Y.: Morphological boundary forms by a novel inductive event mediated by Lunatic-Fringe and Notch during somitic segmentation. Development 129:3633-3644 (2002)(Faculty of 1000 Biologyにおける推薦論文になりました)
*高橋淑子: かたちの魔術師-ニワトリ胚, 細胞工学, 21: 48-54 (2002)
佐藤有紀, *高橋淑子, 利根川あかね:ニワトリ胚への局所的遺伝子導入法 〜COS細胞と組織移植による方法〜. 遺伝子医学別冊「図・写真で観る発生・再生実験マニュアル」安田國雄編 125-133 (2002)
Shiroi, A., *Yoshikawa, M., Yokota, H., Fukui, H., Ishizaka, S., Tatsumi, K. and Takahashi, Y.: Identification of insulin producing cells derived from embryonic stem cells by zinc-chelating dithizone. Stem Cells 20: 284-292 (2002)
Sudo, H., Takahashi Y., Tonegawa, A., Arase, Y., Aoyama, H., Mizutani-Koseki, Y., Moriya, H., Wilting, J., Christ, B., and *Koseki, H.: Inductive signals from the somatopleure mediated by bone morphogenetic proteins are essential for the formation of the sternal component of avian ribs. Dev. Biol. 232: 284-300 (2001)
*Takahashi Y., Osumi, N., and Patel, N.: Body Patterning. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 98:12338-12339 (2001)
*高橋淑子:生命科学者を志す人たちへのプレゼンテーション法, 第1回. 実験医学(羊土社) 14: 1896-1900 (2001)
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*高橋淑子: からだ作りに見る分子時計. 細胞工学(秀潤社) 18: 1326-1333 (1999)
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